Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Girls Can't Drive

One of the things we talked about today in class was how the media can portray males and females. Females are the damsels in distress and men are strong, able to conquer anything. In class, someone said how it was depicted (I believe in a show) how the girl was driving and the man was freaking out. She, of course, acted like a ditz with nothing in her head but credit cards and the best places to find sales on the latest fashions. I am here to tell you that I AM A GIRL AND I CAN DRIVE!!! Some might think less but how do you rate that? By how many tickets I've gotten? How many accidents? How many people honk at me? It seems like in society there are so many stereotypes for so many people but how do they come about? Did they do a survey of 10 girls and majority of them couldn't drive...but again how was that rated?

This whole conversation made me think about girls that would have to act like men to succeed in a job. This little girl came to mind:


After watching this video, I thought of something else: Whats wrong with getting married before having a job? I bet most of you think this is cute and adorable but society has rules about marriage you might not think about. In SCWAAMP, it accepted to be straightness, ESPECIALLY in marriage, but when you think deeper into marriage you think everyone that gets married should be 30 with a job and own some sort of property (whether that be an apartment or house) if not you're just crazy. Well folks, I'm clearly crazy then. I can't tell you how many looks I get when I say that I'm not even 21 and I'm married. "What? You can't be married, you need a full-time job, you're not ready" so many things people say to me. I find it amazing how much society has made a "rule" for every single detail in someones life so that they can live a more "normal" life. 

My question is can we do anything right and normal in society's eyes? Are we all doing something wrong and abnormal? In my opinion, the AB in ABNORMAL stands for ABSOLUTELY BEYOND NORMAL and I am therefore abnormal!!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you about the being 30 and having a good job and owning property before you get married. If you are in love, you are in love. There are no if, ands, or buts about it. You shouldn't have to sit around and waste time to get married until you have a job and a house. If you want to express it by getting married, then just do it! Congrats to you for being different than the "norm".
